Three Steps to Successful Salon Leadership

Eufora Business Trainer and salon owner Anna Michelle shares her journey toward leadership by the Platinum Rule.

Salon owners struggle to create a culture of teamwork that supports their vision. Many salon owners fail to understand that the culture is more about the staff than the owner.

Everyone knows about the Golden Rule. But what really changed things for Eufora Business Trainer Anna Michelle and her salon was the Platinum Rule. “Do to others as you would do to yourself.”

Michelle shares, “I had a journey to understand how to lead my team. I had to learn the most important and rewarding things for everyone in the team. Not just me.” “Adapting The Five Love Languages principles was one of the most powerful tools I discovered.”

The journey consisted of three steps. However, each salon is unique, and some owners might find that a four- or three-step process works better for them. Here are the three key steps that put her on the road to a successful culture and leadership:

  1. Get to know your team. Spend time with every member and let them know that it’s all about them.
  2. Find out what makes your members feel valued and cared for. What makes members feel valued? Is it positive feedback, affirmations, mentoring, or maybe gifts like opportunities and challenges in the form of gifts? Each member deserves your personal attention. Offer to perform acts of service for them, or give physical touches like handshakes, high-fives and pats.
  3. Customize your style of communication for each member. You can treat each team member in a manner that makes them feel valued and cared for when you know what they value. If a team member is a fan of words of affirmation then you can write them a note that will make them feel special or thank them at a meeting for their contribution. Gifts may be important to one team member, but acts of service may be more valuable to another. Each team member will have their own unique love language.

It is also important to recognize that your team is what will determine your salon culture. So, committing yourself to the Platinum Rule will ensure that you and your staff will have a salon that is an enjoyable place to work. Are you unsure where to start? You can find a lot of information online. Try The Five Love Languages quiz as a way to get started.

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