How to Spring Clean Your Nail Salon

Spring is a great time to declutter and refresh your workspace. You can start spring cleaning with these tips and tricks. 1. Take Stock All of your nail tools and implements, such as clippers, files, brush, etc., should be gathered. Look at all your tools to determine if they need to be replaced, deep-cleaned or discarded. Also consider…

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Managing Depression During Winter

Feeling down from the holidays? Nail pros have to balance socializing, shopping and cooking with multiple appointments. Salons enjoy a boost in revenue thanks to all the social events that clients attend. The holiday season is one of the most lucrative times of the year. When January comes and the pace of life slows, bookings, socializing, and…

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Yellow Nail Syndrome: The Surprising Signs

  Yellow nail syndrome is a serious condition that can cause yellowed or stained nails after removing dark polish. Despite its rarity and life-threatening symptoms, it’s vital to be familiar with YNS. History and Cause The YNS affects fingernails, toenails, and even newborns. Most commonly, it affects adults older than 50 years old. However, children and…

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