Take Inventory in Your Nail Salon: 8 steps

It is essential to run a successful salon that you take inventory of all your nail products. You can avoid running out and reduce waste by keeping track of all your nail products. How to keep track of your nail products

1. List all your nail products. List the product name, brand, size, date of purchase (if you know) and quantity. Past receipts can be used to assist you. A tip: If you make online purchases, include them in your document.

2. Spreadsheets are a great way to keep track of inventory. It will be easier to update the inventory when you add or delete items.

3. Count the number of items in your collection. Check your shelves as well as any storage areas in order to make sure that your inventory is complete.

4. Check the expiration date: When taking stock, make sure to check and inspect all your products. Are they separating, separating, or just no longer in style? These products should be removed from your inventory. Keep track of the items you have thrown away as they may qualify for a tax write-off (consult with your tax advisor).

5. You can record the results in your spreadsheet, or list. This will help you to get a clear picture of your stock.

6. Update your inventory regularly to ensure you have a current and accurate view of the stock you have. You can do this monthly, quarterly or whenever you need to. Every week, you may want to perform an inventory of essentials such as alcohol, acetone wipes, base coats, sanitizers, and other items that are frequently used.

7. Plan your restocking. Based on the items you use regularly, plan to restock them. (I always have two backups for my most-used products). Set a reminder for the items that you need to purchase.

8. Mark the dates you purchased supplies in your inventory tracker. You can then more accurately determine when to purchase and how much in the future, allowing you to save money! You can use this information to review your profitability and determine whether you are charging the right amount.

You can avoid running out by taking an inventory of all your nail supplies and products. You can easily keep track of your inventory with a system that is well organized. This will ensure you have everything you need for your clients.

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